How to Drain an Air Compressor in 2023

If you want your air compressor to work for a long time, it may be essential for you to know how to drain an air compressor, because the water filler air compressor slows down productivity work and other work-related issues.

So, that’s the reason to extremely know how to drain an air compressor and understand the crucial situations to get rid of the humidity of an air compressor. Like other devices, the air compressor also needs maintenance.

Here in this article, we briefly discuss how to drain an air compressor step by step. No doubt the maintenance of an air compressor is an essential part of increasing its lifespan. For your air compressor to have a better life, keep on reading.

How to drain an air compressor

In our daily life like other devices, air compressors are required for maintenance to ensure they work properly. The draining process of an air compressor depends on its varies, but in general draining valve situated at the bottom of the air compressor tank may similar draining process

Here are the steps which you should follow to properly drain an air compressor

  • Compressor turns off
  • The pressure release
  • Drain valve release
  • Close the drain valve

1-Compressor turns off

When you start the drain of an air compressor, first you make sure it is turned off. By doing this you make sure the switch goes down which means it is in the off position and unplug the unit, at a result, the unit is completely off

2-The pressure release

Inside the tank below 10 PSI, you make sure to reduce its pressure. You can do it by using its ring which is located on the ASME safety valve. When you’re going to pull down the ring, you make sure you’re wearing safety glasses.

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The safety glasses may protect you and the air compressor from dust or debris that may stir up the air while it’s being released. You should keep pulling off the ring until you get the 10 PSI level or the tank is empty.

3-Drain valve release

Inside the tank now you can release the buildup of moisture. Normally at the bottom of the tank, the drain valve is located. When you found the drain valve then you should open it and let moisture flow.

After letting the air flow out then you tilt the tank back and make sure the inside moisture is being removed. After completing the drain valve release process then you jumped to the final step of how to drain an air compressor.

4-Close drain valve

The final step is to close the drain valve after removing all moisture from the tank. Close the drain valve and make sure it is fully shut tight. If you do it in the perfect and right way then you can turn it back while the tank pressurizes, otherwise, you can pressurize it on the usage day again.

How to prevent water in air compressor

It’s impossible to keep water from the air compressor during natural moisturizing. But still, a way to keep away from the air compressor.

  • Air filter
  • Air dryer
  • Refrigerant air dryer
  • Desiccant air dryer

Air filter

Most of the air compressor moisture the air filter prevents, including debris and dust will affect the internal part of the air compressor through centrifugal force. If you will not be able to use this method of air filter, then you should follow the other methods.

Air dryer

The air dryer means it can cool down the air compressor at the lowest level temperature, after that it will moisturize and condense the air. As a result, all water could be collected and drained out.

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When using the air compressor unfortunately the dryer will not be used while producing the water. But manual draining is necessary. These methods consist of two different types. Refrigerant air dryer and desiccant air dryer.

Refrigerant air dryer

The excess water condenses, this method cools down the air at 33 to 40F, after that through an automatic drain valve the water is collected and drained out for the compressor.

Desiccant air dryer

It is solid and removes molecules of water from the air compressor and chemically strongly reacts. The most familiar desiccant are activated alumina, silica gel, and molecular sieve.

Automatic drain for air compressor

If you’re using your air compressor for large industrial applications, the air compressor’s automatic draining is necessary and very beneficial for its life span, due to maintenance and usage with large equipment. It does not only escape from moisturizing, but it can also prevent rust particles.

The main focus of automatic drain for air compressors is to accumulate to escape moisture with each burst, as compared to when you’re doing it manually.

The automatic drain for an air compressor takes less maintenance and longer for their safety. When you’re doing air compressor draining, no doubt you would extend the lifespan of your expensive air compressor. For small home-based air compressors, you can do it manually once a year.

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The air compressor is considered a more convenient tool if you know how to drain an air compressor properly, so it will serve you better. When you drain the air compressor, always refer to the manual of the manufacturer.

In different designs or features of an air compressor, the draining processor of the air compressor is very similar to another. To prevent damaging your air compressor, you should remember to leave it empty like pneumatic tools.


Do I need to drain my air compressor?

On a daily basis, you should drain your tank completely, it will last long for your air compressor life. When you might be thinking about your air compressor life, by draining it, you will ensure it may protect from the effects of corrosion and prolonging.

Where is the drain plug on the air compressor?

It is the small devices that are located at the bottom of an air compressor. The drain valve is a condensate small device that may be closed or opened to determine whether the water flows out or inside the tank remains.

What happens if you don’t drain water from the compressor?

If you don’t drain the water from the tank it may get rusted up and will not for after a while. Without draining the water from the air compressor the result is, the compressor is full of water instead of air, and the air hose release water instead of air

How often should the tank of an air compressor be drained?

The expert recommendation is to drain it on a daily basis. You may perform the draining process manually or automatically. It’s just forcing you to invest in a new compressor and if you forget draining then you should buy an electronic drain valve.

Which air tank should be drained first?

First, you should drain its supply tank. Because it will prevent accumulated moisture flow into the next tank of an air compressor. When you first drain its supply tank it will ensure you remove any kind of moisture from the tank.


If you know how to drain an air compressor properly and maintain your compressor in the best condition, you would definitely extend the life of your air compressor. Remember never become lazy and don’t let the water on the air compressor unless you break it down soon. We hope this guide will help you with how to drain an air compressor that will be handy for you.

Abdul Sattar is the owner and main author of Bestairtools. I’m a meticulous guy who loves to deal with the perfect tools for various needs. I don’t compromise the quality and usability. Working in blogging for over 7 years to share my knowledge with the world. I founded this blog to aid others like you with my knowledge and experience.

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